Tag - stains

Successful Stain Removal

Successful removal of stains requires prompt treatment, but it can not always be done by hand washing. Many turn to the option of dry cleaning to get rid of those tough stains. For the stains to be removed successfully, one must consider the type of fabric, the nature of the stain, and the colorfastness of the dye. Colorfastness refers to the material’s color’s resistance to fading or running. 

Fabric & Colorfastness

Not all stains can be removed, even after trying every trick in the book. Dry cleaning can only safeguard against damage for some items due to the nature of the fabric. If the dyes in the fabric are prone to bleeding, the dye may bleed off with the stain. Some stains get oxidized and absorb into the fabric, making them near impossible to remove. Stains can not be removed through dry cleaning if the stain is stronger than the dye of the fabric, if the dye is soluble, or if the stains are old and have become oxidized. 

Invisible Stains

The nature of the stain can affect its possibility of removal. Foods, drinks, and oily substances can sometimes become invisible after they dry into fabric. However, they can turn brown or yellow after being exposed to air due to the caramelization or oxidation of the sugars in the substances. Inform your dry cleaner of invisible stains so the proper methods can be used for removal prior to dry cleaning.

Body Oil/Perspiration Stains

Perspiration can leave stubborn stains, especially on silk and wool. If a clothing item is continuously exposed to body oil or perspiration, it can permanently discolor the item or leave it with an odor. These stains react with the garment’s dyes, so clothing that is often exposed to perspiration should be dry cleaned frequently.

Dealing with Stains

Stained clothes should be taken to a professional dry cleaner as soon as possible. Inform the dry cleaner of the nature of the stain to increase the chances of successful removal. Do not pile stained clothes together or place them back in the closet. Exposure to atmosphere and warmth of the closet will set the stain and make it more difficult to remove. Never use common household bleaching agents to try to remove stains. Most bleach solution remove stains through oxidation, so if the stain removal fails, it will complete the oxidation process and further set the stain, making it impossible to remove. 

Vick’s Cleaners

Vick’s Cleaners has been proudly serving Kinston and surrounding areas in North Carolina for more than 100 years by providing quality dry cleaning and garment cleaning services, excellent customer service, and unmatched convenience. We currently have 3 locations for your convenience in Kinston and Snow Hill as well as pickup and delivery in New Bern. Contact us today!